Book Review: The Power of Love


*Contains amazon associate link*

With this being the month of “Love” and with Valentine’s day right around the corner, I thought I would take this time to review my favorite book about the subject of love – at least my favorite book right now.

This little book, The Power of Love: Connecting to the Oneness, has had a lot of influence over me since I purchased it just a few months ago. Since then I have recommended the book to countless people and even gave it as Christmas gifts to my sister and my father (hi father dearest!).

So what is it about this book that is garnering such high praise from me? First, it is written by James Van Praagh. You may recognize this name as he is a pretty famous medium appearing on tv while having written a host of other books. But perhaps his most famous work, that you may know his name from, is his work as executive producer of The Ghost Whisperer. If you have been reading this blog for any length of time you may recall just how much I love that show.

Well, what is it other than this super cool guy as an author that should convince you to pick up this book? This book is filled with bit-sized gems of knowledge and information. I literally underlined sentences on almost every page of this book (yes, I am one of those people who write all over their books). If you are looking for a good quote to boost your mood, simply open to a random page and boom – you will find one.

And here is an example – I just opened the book and this is what I got:

If only we could realize that our families are our greatest teachers because they give us the most opportunities to spiritually grow in forgiveness, harmony, and compassion, then we might not resist the lessons they offer us.

Now that is some deep sh*t there. Just think – can you imagine all the conflict you have with your family as just opportunities for your soul to learn and grow? Think about how much happier you could be if you can just see the bigger picture of why we are placed with our families.

And from a metaphysical perspective, Mr. Van Praagh adds information about life after death and the spirit realm to the stories he tells so if you are new to the metaphysical field you can learn about this as well as learning how to love other people – it is like the metaphysical information is just a bonus.

I guess I should probably tell you guys what this book is actually about. So far I told you that it is written by this medium dude and he has some great sentences you can use for bibliomancy – oh, and you can learn about the spirit realm as well. But this book’s main focus is all about relationships and learning how to love other people as well as yourself. In fact, this book starts out with a section on self-love. Because, as most in this field can attest, it is difficult to love another person until you can truly love yourself. After that he moves on to learning how to share love with others and then sections on energy and living your true life.

Now, if you are not a “book person” what I can say is that this is a short book. It is small in size and only clocks in at 160 pages. It is divided nicely into sections, chapters and even smaller subchapters so if you are strapped for time you can just read one section at a time.

So – have I convinced you? Are you interested in reading this book? What is your favorite book about Love?


4 responses to “Book Review: The Power of Love”

  1. You sold me! I’ve requested a copy from my local library!

    And my favorite book on love? Garry Chapman’s classic “The Five Love Languages.” This book blew my mind when I read it and changed how I looked at all the people I love and how they love in return. Knowing that my father receives love through physical touch makes it so much easier to boost him up when I sense he’s experiencing depression. Knowing that my brother needs quality time to feel love motivates me to be more “in the moment” while with him. Realizing my sister expresses love through gifts helps me to be more grateful and responsive to her generosity, even if it’s not something I think I want–it’s her way of saying I love you and I’m thinking about you. And discovering that my husband and I both give and need love in almost the exact same ways reaffirms my conviction that we’re a wonderful match. The audio of this book is one I keep on my iPod (yes, I still use an iPod) at all times, whereas I delete all other books once finished. There’s so much compassion to be learned from it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Let me know if you like it! And I love “The Five Love Languages” as well. Such a great book.


  2. […] end this month’s forecast with a quote for us to think about.  Really, my daughter left the book The Power of Love on my desk and you better bet that I took that as a sign to include a quote from it in this […]


  3. […] you have been reading this blog for awhile you may have guessed that this book would be included. The first time I read this book was at my in-laws place for a holiday […]


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